Did you know that according to statistics, that 1 in 5 adults (US) experience mental illness each year? In the survey done in 2018 suicide is the 2nd Leading cause of death among people aged 10-34. And 16% of youth aged 6-17 experience mental disorder each year. The inner mind chatter that we go through is invisible to others but it’s a killer! And it’s crucial to take extreme care of your super computer called The Mind. The only way to overcome this is to do your mind a favour by reaffirming with positivity. With proper interventions you can keep a balanced and peaceful mind which will enable you to achieve physical wellness, ageless beauty, abundant wealth and many more.

A survey done by www.mellowed.com found that:

·      41% of people meditate for 15 minutes or less

·      47% meditate for 15-30 minutes

·      12% meditate for 30-60 minutes

·      1% meditate for over an hour

But help is here. With Abundance Creation Magical 5-Step Formula one can experience a life full of abundance and happiness.

Abundance Creation Magical 5-Step Formula teaches the foundations of

  1. Meditation
  2. Visualization
  3. Affirmations
  4. Harmonization
  5. Actualization

And Fran Lazar (or Lady Abunance as her followers call her), the Creator of Abundance Creation is here to help you craft your affirmation regardless of the area.

Her Magical 5-Step Formula is a unique framework that is made easy to follow and with very practical examples.

She has created multiple affirmations on a wide range of topics that commonly affects people and readily available upon purchasing the course.

By signing up for this course, you will be guided into :

  1. the power and importance of meditation
  2. the basics of meditation practice
  3. the power of visualization
  4. the techniques of creating a Vision Board
  5. the art of harmonising your thoughts to attract abundance
  6. the art of healing and creating abundance mindset
  7. the sources of energy leaks and how to release them.
  8. how to radiate peace within and attract abundance.

Click on the sample course for free and enjoy the benefits right away.

Creator of Abundance of Creation


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Fran LadyAbundance Lazar

Fran Lazar is a Natural Healer and a keen practitioner in meditation.

Until 1998 she was just as ignorant as any one of us. But something happened that year that made her take 180 degrees turn on her life and change her perspectives. Since then, she never took life for granted and leave it to chance. She met with an accident which landed her in crutches. When she thought it was over, that was when she discovered the power of meditations and affirmations. She started practising became so effective that she could complete a full marathon!

She became a believer since then and became a keen practitioner. She got herself trained by meditation gurus and read widely on this topic.

With her depth of knowledge on this topic she has come up with her own signature 5-Step Magical Formula for Manifestation. Coming from very humble backgrounds, Fran Lazar has achieved all in her life through sheer mindwork based on meditations and affirmations. Her personal coaching is available at request and an affordable fee.

Select a pricing plan and sign up

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