The S.I.M.P.L.E System to Create Compelling Pro Photo in 6 Steps without a DSLR Camera.
In this 6 steps blueprint, you will be able to Create Compelling Pro Photo with the S.I.M.P.L.E system without a DSLR Camera .
The S.I.M.P.L.E System to Create Compelling Pro Photo in 6 Steps without a DSLR Camera.
Want to Create Compelling Pro Photo
but still feeling lost,
no professional camera,
too many editing steps?
In this 6 steps blueprint, you will be able to Create Compelling Pro Photo
with the S.I.M.P.L.E system without a DSLR Camera .
Step 1: Science Explanations behind the composition of photos so that you can deliver the message effectively.
Step 2: Identify the keys to create emotions in photos so that people take action from your photo.
Step 3: Mobile phone is enough to take, edit and upload photos so that time and resources is massively saved
Step 4: Process the photos with free pro editing professional software and done-for-you templates.
Step 5: Leverage on your network so that you can automate your outreach.
Step 6: Elevate your portfolio so that you can achieve your dreams and wishes granted.
Your Instructor
Lois Aura have been working with media and public relations since her school days until today in the work life, which have been more than ten years. Her main line of work is in the engineering, from land, air and sea related. The media that she does is on top of her engineering roles because that is how much she likes media relations. She is also featured on the The Straits Times, ZAOBAO and TODAY for her achievements in her engineering and media roles.