The Ultimate Wake- up & Be Happier Programme
Be happier in just 5 mins a day!
Want to be HAPPY but held back by your environment?
In this 7-week programme, you will be happier without feeling that you lack time for yourself.
Week 1: Understand what is causing you to feel unhappy so that you understand why you feel unhappy and how to change it
Week 2: Understanding what your definition of happy is so that you can prioritize doing what makes you happy
Week 3: Understanding what triggers your emotions so that you can respond to triggers instead of reacting to triggers
Week 4: Understanding how and why you respond to unhappy situations so that you can reframe them to make them happier situations
Week 5: Understanding what your boundaries are so that you can enforce them to prevent triggers
Week 6: Understanding that being happy is a state of mind so that you understand the possibility of being happy despite your current environment
Week 7: Understanding reinforcement through the subconscious mind so that the universe works in tune to make you happy
Your Instructor

- MY Koh is a happy mother of three children in her sixty.
- Her happy-thinking strategies are formed through personal research and practice for the past 40 years.
- She consistently practise her strategies and shares them with her circles of friends.