轻松学发声 : 减痛楚,不伤害喉咙,让您掌握有效的说话、发表与沟通。
您是否在运用声音时遇到这些情况 :话只说了一阵子就喉咙发痒、疼痛;喉咙感觉紧绷;容易失声?
通过这课程里, 您会学到您的身体发声的功能,让您不论在什么
场合都能成功地表达您的意愿。 您也会学习发声的技巧,让您的
Your Instructor
秀叶是一位合格治疗师,拥有超过二十多年的经验。她的职业生涯热衷于帮助声患者修复和重获健康的发声习惯,而更有信心与人沟通。她帮助过的年龄层从小孩到年长者。曾向她寻求帮助的人士包括家庭主妇、退休人士和青年人。但,她的个案中有更多是在职场上需要常用到声音的专业人士, 如: 行销人员、教师和职业歌手。
Susan is a qualified therapist for more than 20 years. She has been in the profession of helping people with voice issues regain healthy voicing habits, and communicate confidently. Her clients included lay people such as housewives, retirees and adolescents. But, she had also worked with professionals in the fields of sales, teaching and singing.
Let's begin to have fun for the next 8 weeks:
Week 1:
Welcome, let’s first explore how the body produces voice and how your voice can work for you in impacting your communication.
Do you breathe / how do you breathe for health, for voice? Some fun activities to get you started.
Week 2:
Let’s have fun with your voice. We’ll find your comfortable voice and explore it’s potential.
Week 3:
Let’s expand your voice and set it in different situations.
Week 4:
Let’s watch out for pitfalls that damage your voice and exercise vocal hygiene.
Week 5:
Let’s enjoy some music with your voice and learn to sing the most sung song in the world comfortably.
Week 6:
Let’s talk about communication dos & don’ts, and how you may initiate a conversation.
Week 7:
Let’s have a make-over.
Week 8:
Let’s party and congratulate yourself for coming thus far.