Your Instructor
Sharon's Bio
Sharon Ow is the founder of Mummy Baby Care and a mother of two children.
The "Baby Listener" and the First Singaporean, Certified INNATE Postpartum Care Practitioner.
I offer first-time parents a simple technique to decode their babies' cries to calm & settle them instantly, giving parents a new experience to connect and bond with their precious little ones.
There is no trial & error or a checklist to see what works for the baby.
Because it leaves babies highly unsettled and parents exhausted, lacking confidence, and feeling guilty that they are bad parents when they cannot calm the cry, resulting in everyone lacking sleep.
I understand how lack of sleep impacts the health of new parents.
My babies were easy, but due to lack of sleep because of the night feedings and over worrying for my babies, I ended up with depression and anxiety. At one point, I weighed only 38 kilos. My hubby scolded me "garbage" because I did not know how to care for our baby. It took me many years to regain my strength & health.
I then decided to support and empower first-time parents before & after birth for mothers' recovery after childbirth & to ensure they do things right from day one to avoid mistakes & stress caring for the precious little one.
What Other Parents Say
Infant crying often elicits feelings of stress, poorly perceived competence and low self-esteem - all factors that can put parents and infants at risk. By using the system, we can reduce the negative consequences of prolonged infant crying.
Those first few weeks can be really difficult, but the system allowed the first-time parents to understand what it was that the baby needed. It helped parents get a better night's sleep, dramatically reducing the stress in their lives.
Sharon was accurate enough to identify my baby's need to settle the baby to sleep quickly.