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Master 36 Strategies to Win in Business
Historical Context and Overview of 36 Strategies
Relevance and Applications in the Modern Business World
Module 1: Winning Strategies 胜战计
Strategy #1: “Deceiving the Heavens to Cross the Sea” 瞒天过海
Strategy #2: “Besieging Wei to Save Zhao” 围魏救赵
Strategy #3: “Killing with a Borrowed Knife” 借刀杀人
Strategy #4: “Conserving Energy while the Enemy Tires Himself Out” 以逸待劳
Strategy #5: “Looting a House on Fire” 趁火打劫
Strategy #6: “Making a Feint to the East but Hitting out in the West” 声东击西
Module 2: Enemy Dealing Strategies 敌战计
Strategy #7: “Creating Something Out of Nothing” 无中生有
Strategy #8: “Secret Escape Through Chen Cang” 暗度陈仓
Strategy #9: “Observing the Fire from the Other Side of the River” 隔岸观火
Strategy #10: “Hiding a Knife Behind a Smile” 笑里藏刀
Strategy #11: “The Plum Dies in Place of the Peach” 李代桃僵
Strategy #12: “Stealing a Goat Along the Way” 顺手牵羊
Module 3: Offensive Strategies 攻战计
Strategy #13: "Hitting the Grass to Startle the Snake" 打草惊蛇
Strategy #14: "Borrowing a Corpse to Ressurrect a Soul" 借尸还魂
Strategy #15: "Luring a Tiger from its Lair in the Mountain" 调虎离山
Strategy #16: "Releasing the Enemy to Recapture Him Later" 欲擒故纵
Strategy #17: "Tossing Out a Brick to Get a Jade" 抛砖引玉
Strategy #18: "Disbanding the Bandits by Arresting Their Leader" 擒贼擒王
Module 4: Confusing Strategies 混战计
Strategy #19: "Pulling Out the Firewood from Beneath the Cauldron" 釜底抽薪
Strategy #20: "Catching a Fish in Troubled Waters" 混水摸鱼
Strategy #21: "Making an Unnoticed Escape Like a Golden Cicada Shedding its Skin" 金蝉脱壳
Strategy #22: "Shutting the Doors to Catch the Thief" 关门捉贼
Strategy #23: "Befriending the Far and Attacking the Near" 远交近敌
Strategy #24: "Borrowing a Passage to Attack Guo" 假途伐虢
Module 5: Deception Strategies 并战计
Strategy #25: "Replacing Superior Beams and Pillars with Inferior Ones" 偷梁换柱
Strategy #26: "Pointing at the Mulberry but Scolding the Locust Tree" 指桑骂槐
Strategy #27: "Pretending to be Insane but Remaining Smart" 假痴不颠
Strategy #28: "Removing the Ladder after the Enemy Ascends to the Roof" 上屋抽梯
Strategy #29: "Decking the Tree with Flowers" 树上开花
Strategy #30: "The Guest Takes Over as Host" 反客为主
Module 6: Desperate Strategies 败战计
Strategy #31: "Beauty Trap" 美人计
Strategy #32: "Empty City Scheme" 空城计
Strategy #33: "Double Agent Ploy" 反间计
Strategy #34: "Self-Injury Scheme" 苦肉计
Strategy #35: "Chain Strategy" 连环计
Strategy #36: "Escape as the Best Scheme" 走为上策
Summary and Review
Strategy #4: “Conserving Energy while the Enemy Tires Himself Out” 以逸待劳
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