2 Why you need to watch this video now

I will be sharing the Top 8 Problems my clients are currently facing:

1. Are you not getting enough sales?

2. Are you spending too much on A&P with low ROI?

3. Are you having problems finding your targeted customer?

4. Are you having problems in retaining your existing customer?

5. Do you want to be the market leader among your competitors?

6. Do you have a team of sales and marketing and you are having problem micromanaging them?

7. Do you want to automate your business?

8. Are your business on the decline especially during this pandemic crisis?

For this session, I need you to do some homework before watching the next video, is it ok? List out at least 5 of the most difficult problem in your business today


For example, 'How to sell a car in Singapore?' or 'How to get a customer to buy a car?' If you are a car salesperson

And if you are done, let's watch the next video for the solution


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