Day 5 - Total Body Strength Training (Variation 1)

Benefits of Assisted Squats:

The main benefit of an assisted squat is that it will prevent your butt going down too low and give too much strain on your knees. Besides, it will also keep constant pressure on your quads. It's also a very good exercise to improve and strengthen your knee joints thus getting rid of any pain.

Benefits of Raised Arm Circles:

This very simple workout can be actually challenging. It helps to get your blood moving and can help to build muscle tone in your shoulders, triceps and biceps. They also work on your upper back muscles. The circular range of motion helps to restore the muscles and joint that make up the rotator cuff.

So, in other words, its a great treatment for shoulder issues. It also helps reduce the buildup of fat in your arms.

Benefits of Flutter Kicks:

This activates your hip-flexor muscles, lower-back muscles and quads, while targeting your lower abdominal muscles more than other core workouts like sit-ups and crunches. With proper execution, flutter kicks can increase your heart rate, promoting cardiovascular health.

Other benefits include improved posture, improved stability and balance, improved endurance and injury prevention.

Benefits of Leg Extension:

Usually at the gym, you use the smith machine to do leg extension exercises with weights. You can do this at home using your natural weight. This definitely prevents any kind of injuries to your knees due to too much pressure from weights. Leg extension is a strength training exercise that isolates the quadriceps which are the group of muscles at the front of your thighs. This isolated movement strengthens the quads and key attachments for the knee joint at the same time.

Benefits of Kneeling Push up:

This can primarily improve your upper-body strength. It activates muscle groups throughout your upper body. It strengthens and tones them very effective on the chest, traps, triceps, biceps, forearms, shoulder muscles and upper back. This is an easier substitute to the regular toe push ups so that there isn't much pressure on your upper body.

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